The Progressive Campaign to Keep White Americans Hating Themselves

Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 9 months ago to Culture
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Cultures, like people, have a sense of life, which Ayn Rand once characterized as, “an emotional atmosphere created by its dominant philosophy, by its view of man and of existence,” that “represents a culture’s dominant values and serves as a leitmotif of a given age.”

I needed to look this one up. A leitmotif or leitmotiv is a "short, recurring musical phrase" associated with a particular person, place, or idea. It is closely related to the musical concepts of idée fixe or motto-theme. The spelling leitmotif is an anglicization of the German Leitmotiv, literally meaning "leading motif", or "guiding motif".The

Consequently, Americans of all stripes feel our society is unraveling before our eyes because we have lost our common culture and our common values. E pluribus unum is little more than an anachronistic slogan—a vestige of a dark time that belongs on the scrap heap of history like so many toppled statues of our now-disgraced forebears.

Until America regains its moral compass, realizes hate is not an argument, and white Americans stop accepting the supposed evils of their whiteness, we will all continue to be stuck in our wounds.
SOURCE URL: https://amgreatness.com/2021/08/28/the-progressive-campaign-to-keep-white-americans-hating-themselves/

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 9 months ago
    I won't tell my story, suffice it to say, you would have got your ears boxed and sent to your room, if mama or daddy heard anything remotely racist come out of your mouth. N
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    • 15
      Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
      MLK had it right when he said you judge people on the content of their character. Not the color of their skin.

      He never said not to judge people.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 9 months ago
        Raised in a segregated south Alabama when the n-word was a common slur not considered as such, I was very moved when I heard MLK say that on live TV. It was a first step in changing me into a better white dino.
        A few short years later during 1970 I shared a canteen with a just as thirsty black Marine while thinking, "I know some people who'd be screaming at me in Dothan, Alabama, right now."
        Later as I used the GI Bill to go to Troy State University, I held a door open for three black women. (Guess "co-ed" is a no-no word now like "actress.") An enraged white woman with about as many onlooking white female students exclaimed, "Look! He's opening that door for N****RS!" Me dino smiled at them. Thought it was funny. It felt quite liberating actually. Recall there were white guys around at the time but they said or did nothing.
        At about the same time I had a friend at TSU, who once said, "Nobody asks to be born black."
        "Nobody asks to be born any color" is what I have to say to treasous Marxists, who seek to divide Americans by race since it's harder to do it be class such as in, say, 1917 Russia.
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        • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
          Thanks for sharing. We as decent humans all have
          a choice .That is to choose to become a better person or not. When born we are a blank canvas.
          We mimick and we learn. As we learn we discern.
          We make mistakes and good people learn from them. In my lifetime I have seen prejudices from whites wane and prejudice against whites increase. The Marxist leaders play their evil games to divide US. The hatred they have fomented and manipulated should be focused on them.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 9 months ago
            Once a product of my environment teenaged segregationist who shortly before age 20 began to go through changes, I've always despised communists just like Nazis or any other kinda fascists such as smelly AntiFarts.
            Same goes for the all kinds Marxists even those who who pass themselves off as sweet little libtarded Progressives these days.
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  • Posted by shaifferg 2 years, 9 months ago
    Google the National Monument to the Forefathers located in Plymouth MA.
    Restoration of the five pillars of this granite monument would go a long ways to restoring this Republic!
    Faith Belief in Something
    Morality there is right and wrong
    Law instituted among men to provide rules and settle disputes with Justice and Mercy
    Education Knowledge of matters of law and it's foundation
    Liberty the result of following and living the above
    For more see Biblical Citizenship for a Modern America....much that may offend and be rejected but more than a little dose of truth and exposure of the lies of the past 100 years. Link: patriotacademy.com
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 9 months ago
    I have a direct ancestor who came across on the Mayflower, looking for escape from Europe's religious oppression. My 3x Great Grandmother left England because of the same, then came to the west. Now, there's no place left to go as the leftists/socialists continue to march west. They have no interest in allowing others to think differently. They have no interest in anything other than self-aggrandizement and power. And there will come a point where free people will have to choose to either stand up and kick it ALL back out of this land - or submit to it.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 2 years, 9 months ago
    Cancel Culture? Yes, it's Communism.

    For anyone who has not read Radical Son by David Horowitz, go read it. It's a really worthwhile book. David gives a harsh look inside the American Communist activities of the middle of the 20th century. Those people were his friends, or so he believed. Two of them were his parents.

    My only complaint, which I am rectifying in my own copy of the book, is that some of the editing was poor and it's sometime hard to wade through all the people whom David calls by their first names but who appear in the index only under the last name. "Betty"? Oh that's Betty van Patter. Betty's murder turned David against his Commie buddies.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 9 months ago
    The old Jim Crow worked because black people bought into it until Rosa Parks stood and said "NO MORE!". The new Jim Crow will continue to work until a white Rosa Parks screams, "NO MORE!".
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  • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 2 years, 9 months ago
    Speaking as someone who is 62 years old, I grew up watching Star Trek (The Original Series) before they went to reruns. I remember one episode where our heroes came upon a planet that was doomed because their star was about to go supernova. Their escape plan was to create a time machine (located at their "library" whose head librarian was a "Mr. Atoz") and go into the planet's past to live out their lives (episode "All Our Yesterdays"). Due to a misunderstanding with Mr. Atoz (who thought Kirk, Spock, and McCoy were inhabitants of his own world), he made our heroes go through the time portal. Spock and McCoy wound up in the planet's distant past (Ice Age). Gradually, Spock started "reverting to his ancestors" who at that same time (back on Vulcan) were still emotional "barbarians." Of course, everything worked out in the end, but in the final segment, Spock made the comment, "I too, felt a brief surge of racial bigotry - most distasteful." As I watched this episode for the first time (as an impressionable 10-year-old), it made a lasting impression. I had enormous respect for Spock, and if he said that bigotry was a symptom of a primitive, barbaric mindset, then it must be. In the Star Trek universe, there was bigotry there too: various people had negative attitudes towards Vulcans, Klingons, Romulans, maybe even "green Orion slave girls." Always, it was treated as a repulsive, ignorant, and uncivilized mindset; it helped form my own attitudes. I will never bow down to the golden calf of leftist progressives, and that includes "White Rage," "White Privilege," etc. I am no better than anyone else because of the color of my skin, and I am sure as hell not any worse than anyone else because of the color of my skin either. End of rant.
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  • Posted by $ katrinam41 2 years, 9 months ago
    Excellent post, Dobrien. I have family photos from previous generations as well. One thing I noticed that each photo has in common with all the rest--fashions change, but the family bond stays the same, love and respect for the older generations. Maybe that's one reason so many of my relatives are conservatives, the exceptions for the most part being those who went to big universities. Your family looks impressive. My grandfather spent his life as a locomotive engineer, proud of his job and doggone good at it. I have some wonderful memories and I sure do love trains.
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 9 months ago
    We have no common culture any more. There is the leftist culture, and the original American culture. We should divide as a country peacefully if possible.. There wont be another united america in the future, IMHO.
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  • Posted by Lucky 2 years, 9 months ago
    Back in the day.
    The family in the drawing room.

    Nothing like my family, there were one or two households in my acquaintance who could some of the time been like that.
    This pic would have portrayed a small fraction of the population, and still unrealistic, and still important.

    The scene is mythical but shows an ideal-
    all the family together, not for some ceremony or pose but it was what families did,
    at leisure, father reading the newspaper, mother knitting, I suppose the maid is in the kitchen getting dinner,
    all so neatly dressed, clean looking and hair tidy, father in a suit.

    Order, tranquility, relationships-
    - Different groups do this in ways that suit
    - Important, no racial test for this
    - Necessary but not sufficient for civilization.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
      ThanQ Lucky for your response. That photo is my Grandfather and Grandmother with my Aunts and Uncles. My Dad is the little boy on the floor. It was taken in their living room upstairs from the funeral home they owned in St Paul , Mn.circa 1938.
      No maid in the kitchen though.
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      • Posted by Lucky 2 years, 9 months ago
        I am impressed! Two or three socio-demographic levels above my experience.
        The idea is that the family is the building block, other memberships are essential but basic values are taught at home. The trend now is for the family to be transient, a place where a TV is always on, and with a bit of luck some food is in the frig, not much else. Neither values nor skills are taught in that family, nor even at school. Membership and identity are provided by gangs, good leadership and values can be in the gang, but unusual. At a certain point, a nation like that can only disintegrate, or, it can survive but with rigid stratification, like in '1984'.

        The photo, more rambling-
        The man is in the prestige chair and power position, but I bet the woman runs the household, the man only makes the big important decisions. In a well run household there are no big decisions.
        it is evocative, a reminder of a time when there was security as well as avenues for improvement with the right encouragement. It existed for some, for others it did not exist but they knew what it was, they could strive for it.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 9 months ago
      I'd say the scene is not necessarily mythical in function. My family gathered like this in the '50s and '60s to watch TV or eat at the table together or other functions while I was in my youth. I insisted the same for my kids when they were younger. My aunts, uncles, and their families did much the same in that era. The only thing I notice is the clothing, but it is quite usual to dress "properly" when a family photo shoot is taking place. The younger generations seem to have let this go. Too bad.
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      • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
        You are sharp as a tack. I knew this about you from your image volunteering as a officer , civil war era. Pride in appearance project competency.
        Yes Sir. My brothers in Arms...https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&h...
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        • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 9 months ago
          Thank you for the link. The composition is beautiful and the artwork in the video is stunning and appropriate. When one thinks of Dire Straights, songs like "Money For Nothing" and "Walk of Life" spring to mind, but songs like "My Brothers in Arms" illustrate the breadth of talent in this band.

          Also, thanks for the compliment as I always took care of my uniforms and appearance whether I was portraying Union or Confederate. Part of a proper portrayal of those who came before us is to understand who they were as individuals. The officers of that time were disciplined and trained at West Point, VMI, or other military school. Personal grooming was part of that discipline and was maintained throughout their career regardless of the circumstances they found themselves in. I maintained that as best I could in my re-creation of who they were. I lived in a canvass tent during all my events, sometimes for a week at a time. Regardless of weather (good, rain, heat, snow) I would get up early to wash up outside the tent, shave cheeks and neck with a civil war era blacksmith made straight razor, clean my boots and leathers, brush any dirt or dust off my coat and trousers, and clean any brass that needed it. Then I was ready for the day. When in command, the officers under me saw what I was doing and began doing the same. We were sharp! LOL!
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          • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
            If you haven’t heard this song , I am sure you will find it pleasing.

            I am Jeremiah Dixon
            I am a Geordie boy
            A glass of wine with you, sir
            And the ladies I'll enjoy
            All Durham and Northumberland
            Is measured up by my own hand
            It was my fate from birth
            To make my mark upon the earth
            He calls me Charlie Mason
            A stargazer am I
            It seems that I was born
            To chart the evening sky
            They'd cut me out for baking bread
            But I had other dreams instead
            This baker's boy from the west country
            Would join the Royal Society
            We are sailing to Philadelphia
            A world away from the coaly Tyne
            Sailing to Philadelphia
            To draw the line
            A Mason-Dixon Line
            Now you're a good surveyor, Dixon
            But I swear you'll make me mad
            The West will kill us both
            You gullible Geordie lad
            You talk of liberty
            How can America be free
            A Geordie and a baker's boy
            In the forests of the Iroquois
            Now hold your head up, Mason
            See America lies there
            The morning tide has raised
            The capes of Delaware
            Come up and feel the sun
            A new morning has begun
            Another day will make it clear

            Why your stars should guide us here
            We are sailing to Philadelphia
            A world away from the coaly Tyne
            Sailing to Philadelphia
            To draw the line
            A Mason-Dixon Line

            This version features Mark Knoepfler with James Taylor.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 9 months ago
              I have not heard this. Yes, it is very pleasing. Thanks! Also, thanks for including the words.
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              • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
                Lyrics for
                Brothers in Arms

                These mist covered mountains
                Are a home now for me
                But my home was the lowlands
                And always will be

                Someday you'll return to
                Your valleys and your farms
                And you'll no longer burn to be
                Brothers in arms

                Through these fields of destruction
                Baptism of fire
                I've watched all your suffering
                As a battle raged high

                And though they did hurt me so bad
                In the fear and alarm
                You did not desert me
                My brothers in arms

                So many different worlds
                So many different suns
                And we have just one world
                But we live in different ones

                Now the sun's gone to hell
                And the moon's riding high
                Let me bid you farewell
                Every man has to die

                But it's written in the starlight
                And every line in your palm
                We are fools to make war
                On our brothers in arms
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 2 years, 9 months ago
    I just purchased movies for a series on Friday nights and watch parties of History Channel documentaries for my Honors Nanotechnology Minor Program at Florida Tech, specifically to counter this self-loathing culture.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
      Thanks. From the first link....
      The Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) has funded Florida Tech substantially over the past decade to instill its 3C's values of curiosity, connections, and creating value. While much of that happens in the classroom, establishing such a culture requires educating students on the cultural references in movie, TV, historical, sports, literary, comedic, and personal sources that best exemplify these values. To this end, to help establish community, and to make Florida Tech more fun, I have purchased DVD's toward establishing a Friday film festival and a Sunday evening "Dr. Brenner's Study Breaks" series. Before each event, you will hear a brief recording from one or two slides from my nanotechminorprogramhistorywithaudiov4.pptx (or perhaps a drbrennerstudybreaks.pptx file that is yet to be generated) that provide context on why I picked that night's cultural reference, followed by the movie, TV episode, or documentary, and ultimately by a brief discussion on the topic. I hope to get these study break episodes to air in the Olin Engineering 118 auditorium as plan A, the Honors College building as plan B, and Zoom as plan C. In the brief descriptions that follow each cultural event listed below, a sentence or two is copied from the sites from which I purchased the DVD's, along with a brief explanation from selected slides from within nanotechminorprogramhistorywithaudiov4.pptx of how that cultural content is important to FIT's maker initiative, my nanotechnology minor, the Honors College (see "Honors Activities" in the link, and most importantly, KEEN's 3C's. The narrated slides will serve as the pre-activity briefings for the dorm programming. The file referencesforculturalcontent.doc is supporting documentation.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 2 years, 9 months ago
        I plan to show the Atlas Shrugged movies, and yes, I did get permission several years ago about this from the "Producers", now that the movies are available on the Internet anyway.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 2 years, 9 months ago
    I'm going to take a slightly different tack . What of American citizens are totally oblivious to their own ancestry. If they did they wouldn't believe in white privilege or white rage propaganda the Radical Left is disseminating. Due to such ignorance, people are susceptible to such brainwashing. They would find that their ancestors endured hardship and dire scenarios when they arrived as immigrants to this continent from early colonial times through the early twentieth century. My viewpoint differs from many others because I grew up in an immigrant household where other languages plus English were spoken. The mindset was different because they had to learn English to find a place to live and earn a living. I'm not ashamed of my skin color because i knoow here I came from.
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