The Diversity Officer Employment Aptitude Test - Climb aboard the Deep State Gravy Train Before It's Too Late!

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Humor
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"The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion hustle is running its course and may soon be out of steam, but it’s not too late to collect your share of the loot. This means you shouldn’t delay applying for one of the lucrative positions carrying the generic title of “DEI Officer.”

While the typical DEI position requires no expertise of any sort, it does require a collection of attitudes toward your fellow men and women, an ability to utter shameless platitudes and clichés, and embrace a clearly identifiable and primitive Manichean worldview grounded in paranoia.

If you aim to become a promising candidate for a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) position, either in the corporate world or in academia, you can easily discover if you have the necessary self-conscious virtue by taking this five-minute employment aptitude survey."

Climb aboard the Deep State Gravy Train Before It's Too Late!

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