CV19 Vaccine is a Crime and A Cover-up – Ed Dowd

Posted by freedomforall 10 months ago to Politics
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"In 2022 alone, Dowd figured 30% of the workforce had been killed, disabled and cannot work or is working chronically ill. Dowd says the death and disability trend for 2023 is way up. Thousands everyday are reporting they are getting sick, and Dowd says the CV19 bioweapon injections are to blame. Supply chains and society are going to grind to a crawl, and Dowd predicts,

“Everything is slowly breaking down.

You won’t see this on the news, but you will see this when you need something done, and you will experience this.

You are going to be gaslit and told everything is fine.

There is not problem here. Don’t look over here.

We are going to see glacial Mad Max.

Things are going to get harder to do. Businesses and services you take for granted are going to become scarce.

I think we are going to see a deflation in financial assets that will start soon enough. We will have inflation in things you need like food, medical care and much other stuff.”

Dowd also points out,

“The Justice Department is protecting the looting operation that’s been going on for 40 plus years.

Everybody in Washington D.C. is literally stealing your taxpayer dollars...

The Deep State protects the looting operation, and they are all in on it.”
Dowd’s book documents the extreme deaths and horrible injuries that are now skyrocketing in number. The huge problems being caused by the CV19 bioweapon/vax are increasing, unstoppable and no longer need to be proven. Dowd says,

“I was not in the room, but at this point, it is a crime because it’s a coverup.

I said this in my book in December of 2022. They see the same data that I see, and the data has only gotten worse since then. So, it’s a crime, and it’s a coverup. That’s all you need to know...

Forget about the who and the why. It was a bioweapon. It was a mistake. I don’t care at this point. This is a joke. They are killing people.

They continue to mandate these jabs at some universities. Some employers still mandate them. The UK is requiring all school children who enter school in the fall to take these shots.

This is a joke. This is a crime. This is a coverup, and it’s murder at this point.”"

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 10 months ago
    Dear FFA: I agree with you 100%. Yesterday I went to a medical facility with my best friend and everyone was wearing a mask. The receptionist picked one up for me and I said, "NO THANKS. I'VE HAD COVID AND TESTED POSITIVE FOR THE ANTI-BODIES. She put the mask down and I found a seat in the waiting room. This is the most stupid thing I have ever encountered with these crazy little do nothing masks.
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