Hanlon’s Razor: Never Attribute to Malice That Which is Adequately Explained by Stupidity

Posted by jack1776 7 months, 2 weeks ago to Philosophy
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Can we truly explain the circus we see today on stupidity or is our world being orchestrated for an unknown goal?

CBJ tried to assert this argument into a conversation where I was speculating the motives of people doing the orchestration. It’s a fair question and deserves more attention, specifically, are we that stupid?

So… The standing narrative is that a novel corona virus mutated in the wild and became transmissible to humans. It spread across the world and caused communism; or better, we elected safety instead of freedom? Except that communism is far more deadly than bat flu.

Most of the people on this board has been calling BS from day one, I’d like to believe we are above average intelligence here, I guess this is still questionable. Making the assertion, whether right or wrong that we are on the higher end of the bell curve (okay, most of us).

I’d love to explain all of this on stupidity of the collective population, but I don’t know which scares me worst. I have a hard time making this argument as I can’t truly believe the collective population is that stupid?

CBJ, can you make your argument?

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  • Posted by mhubb 7 months, 2 weeks ago
    sometimes it is a mix of both, see biden and his cabal of traitors for an example
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    • Posted by 7 months, 2 weeks ago
      I can't make a stupidity argument; this is the reason for this post... I can however infer intent when I hear some individuals state goals and objectives outside of what I consider reasonable and then events start to occur which seem to push, usher, coerce us into a decision we are normally unwilling to make; it all seems very contrived.

      I would call the stupid going along, useful idiots, much like Lenin referred to them as.
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  • Posted by VetteGuy 7 months, 2 weeks ago
    Those who are malicious and powerful are very skilled at manipulating the stupid into being their proxies. So I would say it's a combination of the two.
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