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  • Posted by $ 4 months, 4 weeks ago
    I know the post is about Nikki but it is also about Iowa. Here is a tidbit about Vivek Ramaswamy.
    Besides his Global delete connections, his china connections here is something else:,

    Good thing Trump will keep this potential enemy close to keep an eye on him.

    Psst, also heard that in Iowa, 50 Demos change colors to Red in one county and voted for her.
    I wondered if some cheating might arise via the demo's and rino's in Iowa . . . seems I was right to wonder.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 4 months, 4 weeks ago
      Since Democrat candidates look pretty pathetic, this time around Dems could possibly want to rig a POTUS election for a RINO.
      Why not? These days when me dino thinks he's see everything, some weird something else keeps coming along.
      I still can't get over hearing about people with common sense actually losing jobs for saying men can't get pregnant.
      If I heard such a thing predicted back in, say, 2001, me dino would have called that a buncha bull.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 4 months, 4 weeks ago
    I finally had a chance to watch this. THANK YOU, OUC, for posting this. I knew Nikki was a lefty wearing (R) clothing, but now I have an idea of how far left (and possibly corrupt) she really is.

    Tucker did a great job in presenting her actual stance on important issues. I understand the need for brevity to produce this type of video, but it would have been nice of him to put up a few more actual quotes or short videos of her speaking like a (D) to drive home his arguments more strongly.

    She seems so different as she was at the UN - or is that the way the MSMM made her look? Now it appears the MSMM is deliberately handing her a pass. Since she is in their camp can they do anything else? Would a Haley presidency really be a Harris presidency only more articulate? The (D) can get rid of Xiden and Harris and still get their wishes granted with Haley! Speaking of MSMM, what's with the black female newscaster droning on about white supremacy and yet dyes her hair bright blonde? I'm continuously amazed how such idiots can accumulate so much power.

    One of the biggest surprises was the "corruption" of the NH Republican primary with Democrat or non-republican voters. I'm a registered Independent and can't participate in primaries where I live.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 4 months, 3 weeks ago
    Yeah, the funny part will be if she wins there, and then LOSES her HOME STATE.

    I agree 100% with Tucker.
    And those never Trumpers... If you can't see your entire life of who you voted for were SIMPLY "Selections" of who the wealthy insured were "properly" educated...

    And that explains 100% WHY despite D or R, we always marched in the same direction. Because there was a plan.

    If it was RANDOM, someone would have randomly made a decision that set these people back a few years... LIKE Trump was willing to do, and quite frankly did.

    Remember "We can't afford the wall"...
    Hmmm... It would have cost FAR LESS to finish the wall, then to pay what we are paying these illegals (or, sorry, LYING Asylum Seeking Military Aged Men that we will be fighting with for resources)...
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