The Wuhan Cover-Up by RFK, Jr.: Review and Analysis

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 1 week ago to Books
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"The story in the Wuhan Cover-Up that interests me is the rise of the biowarfare-industrial-complex – the global behemoth comprising military/intelligence alliances, Big Pharma, Big Tech, academic and medical institutions, and NGOs – that both created the virus known as SARS-CoV-2 and ran the global response to it.

In this article, I will highlight key parts of The Wuhan Cover-Up that pertain to this storyline – which I believe are downplayed in its publicity materials and are one of the main reasons it has been practically banned from polite society: The book has been so heavily censored that I cannot find a single actual review on Google. Newsweek reported that independent bookstores do not want to carry it.

A lot of the censorship has to do with mainstream animosity toward RFK, Jr’s presidential campaign. But the explosive content of the book, as reviewed in this article, is also likely a factor.
-How the Nature of Biowarfare Research Has Not Changed
-Deep CIA-Biowarfare Ties
-Shockingly Broad Participation by Academics and "Scientists"
-Moral Bankruptcy
-Bioweapons Research = Vaccine Research
-From an Obsession of US National Security to a Tool of Globalism
-China Becomes a Dominant Biowarfare Research Player
-Why Would the US Do Bioweapons Research in/for China?
-A Convergence of Personal, Political, Financial and Global Interests
It was especially gratifying to me to read The Wuhan Cover-Up (all 600 pages of it), because it validated my own research, showing that the pandemic response was led by the national security/intelligence arms of government, not public health agencies.

In fact, after reading the first few chapters – the ones that go into the history of chemical and biological warfare and the rise of the biowarfare-industrial-complex – I paradoxically felt an enormous sense of relief.

Finally, we have a detailed account that shows – beyond what I would consider a reasonable doubt – that the entire Covid catastrophe was caused, and led, by a multinational military-intelligence-academic-pharma-tech-NGO cabal.

RFK, Jr.’s conclusion is that we should look to a future “in which the bio-elites are held responsible for their actions, people regain their rights, and the Constitution is restored to its intended preeminence.”

But how do we do that?

I am afraid, based on the information in his own book, and the fact that RFK, Jr. himself is being censored and banned so extensively from the public square, that the solution to the problems he exposes is much more difficult and complex than just “holding the bio-elites responsible” which will somehow lead to people regaining their rights."

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    I appreciate this. I don’t think one man can save it. It’ll take more than that.

    The term “biblical” pops in my head often lately. I remember back when my son fell very ill at a year old. I actually had the lab test him and was floored when I got the results. Then I was floored when my results were duplicated by hundreds and then thousands after us. Then I was floored by the coverup. I knew I was seeing pure evil. Now we’ve got what we’ve got. “Disease X” is discussed in the news as the approaching “black swan”. I go, “…..uh. What?!” Good thing I have a sick sense o humor.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    Thanks. I was neck deep in the work trying to manage the human response to the pandemic (for lack of a better term). Made one hell of an impression on me. I was offered a promotion if I just stayed. I walked once things started to stabilize. I had a clear view at how stupid our society is. RFK sees it. Nobody’s buying, it seems. So we’re gonna suffer the consequences.

    I went to one of the finest engineering schools. I remember falling in love with philosophy while there as they required a couple corses in it - including engineering ethics. It set me up to remain shocked for my entire career- haha…
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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    A long time ago I read an article speculating that Stalin was planning on invading Germany in 1941, but Hitler made the first move to circumvent Stalin's initial strike. The victors write the history so we may never know. In any case we see the results.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    Every country wanted a bite at the apple.
    After US, the Russians got the next biggest bite, as they were right there in Berlin.
    So many of the greatest generation were of my parents age, you couldn't help hear banter:
    The Germans who could, ran towards the American line, as not to be captured by the Russians.
    As you can imagine, the Russians were still mighty pissed at the backstabbing Hitler did to them at the very start of the war.
    Captured German troops were treated very harshly.
    As you know, they were allies at the start.
    And think, if Hitler didn't turncoat on the Russians, the allies would have most certainly lost the war.
    No Doubt About It.
    We would be speaking German (or Russian) on the East coast. Japanese on the West.

    Pervitin, a powerful amphetamine in common use by the Germans during the war (the allies had their own version) may have contributed the Hitlers bad tactical decisions.
    There were rumors he had syphilis, but that is hard to confirm 80 years down the road.
    What he did have was a real quack of a personal doctor, Theodor Morell, who gave him regular injections of who-knows-what.
    Due to his poor personal hygiene and lack of table manners, Hitlers staff despised the man and advised the Führer to dump him, however Adolf kept him around to the very end.
    Maybe Morell did the world a big favor. Only time will tell.
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  • Posted by mhubb 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    NO find way
    homeland sec is an oxy-moron

    we'd have to send just about ALL of that dept back were it belongs, to prison as a first step

    and rebuild it Patriots
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  • Posted by mhubb 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    RFJjr DOES have some very valid points

    too bad he also has some biden views....
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  • Posted by Dobrien 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    ThanQ for the excellent info re: University Labs and
    Virology/ Bio development. If you were saying RFKjr is being suppressed, to that I concur . RFKjr would take far more votes from the BuyDems including MOHAP (Mike Obama Has A Penis) , than he would from Trump..
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    As Jim Marrs so eloquently penned in his book "The Forth Reich":
    "We defeated the German army in 1945, however, the Nazis won." - Jim Marrs.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    It may surprise some of you...
    There are over 500 colleges and universities partnered up with various governmental agencies (read: military) directly involved in the development of bio-weapons.
    If you can think of the name of a large institution of higher education, they are almost certainly involved.

    Why? Funding.

    Now think of your sons and daughters in school.
    18, 19, 20-years old, working with nasty compounds and vicious bugs.
    Now consider, there are only a a couple of level four bio-containment facilities in this country.
    Perhaps a dozen or-so level three bio-containment facilities.
    The rest are level two... or less. Not nearly good enough to work with things like viruses.
    That's 480 labs potentially working with gases, bugs, and other harmful materials in facilities not well-suited for these uses... Using your prodigy as labor.
    Let that sink in.
    Two years ago, the students at Northeastern University, Boston were experimenting with SARS-Cov-2, using well-known Gain of Function techniques to further the legality of the bug.
    They were successful beyond their wildest dreams.
    Making it some 35 times more lethal!
    It made National News (if you were paying attention to such things).
    The whole affair was quickly hushed up.
    To my knowledge, no penalties were administered.
    At least none that were made public.

    Yeah RFK made lots of waves; good for him.

    But There are lots of other reasons they will keep RFK out of the running.
    The most important being he would be the strongest runner against Trump.
    This upsets their plans to field Big Mike Moochell or Gruesome Newsome.

    As you all most certainly remember how strong Comrade Sanders ran in 2016 and 2020.
    He was the clear front runner, until the DNC stepped on his throat. Twice.
    RFK is just getting the Bernie Sanders treatment.
    Not that I want RFK. He has some good points, but his bad points outweigh his good ones.

    There is only one man who can save this drowning Republic... and he better come quick.
    We are going down for the third time.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    term... My grandfather instilled a different attitude in us. If we are to go down... We go down fighting... And we strive to make sure that person knew they were in a fight.

    Growing up, this was very true for our family. Being the youngest, I realized later how much I had benefitted from that attitude of my brothers.

    I say... fight... Even if the other side wins... My goal is to make it such a pyrrhic victory that even their historians will record at as such!
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    I understand. I support the idea the RFK oversee the CDC but I think he would be more effective if not on the CDC payroll.
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  • Posted by 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    Shut down Fatherland completely.
    It's an unconstitutional organization started after
    the Deep State murdered 5000+ in the WTC.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    How about Homeland Security? The bio threat is both internal and external to the US. Trump can seal the border in a heart beat. That problem solved. But the bio threat is another matter and RFK would have more resources through Homeland Security to monitor the CDC..
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  • Posted by term2 3 months, 1 week ago
    Once we lose the ability to vote, which in itself isn't a lot given the mob majority nature of it, the only thing left is pure violence. He with the biggest guns wins. The left is playing with fire, and jailing hundreds for the Jan 6 incident wont save them when hundreds of thousands riot
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  • Posted by 3 months, 1 week ago in reply to this comment.
    Perhaps Trump will put RFK in charge of the CDC, make such labs (and working in them) a capital crime, exit from the WHO, and hopefully stop all funding to the UN.
    This is clearly a crime against the human race, genocide. Obviously he'll have to arrest a lot of judges for treason and execute the guilty to get any justice in the justUS system.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 3 months, 1 week ago
    Look...I know RFK isn't very popular here. But, he seems to be the only candidate who will touch this topic. And, this topic is very important to me. I lost my father. Lost one of my best friends. I was tapped to be an advisor to many public leaders - some you've heard of - during the pandemic...often working 16 hour days doing it. This:...."The story in the Wuhan Cover-Up that interests me is the rise of the biowarfare-industrial-complex – the global behemoth comprising military/intelligence alliances, Big Pharma, Big Tech, academic and medical institutions, and NGOs – that both created the virus known as SARS-CoV-2 and ran the global response to it."...covers the latest development. In my part time, fun engineering work I'm seeing a whole bunch of level 3 and 4 biotech labs being built all over the world now. It's the new "it" industry to get into. I was just looking at a drawing set of one today as part of my work. This worries me a great deal. As I explained to a friend of mine just last week. "This is like building a whole bunch of nuclear bomb laboratories and placing them in 100 college campuses across America." We could all be enjoying a front-row seat to the end of humanity. Hope they don't get a bird flu airborne and/or easily transmissible to humans. I'd bet a dollar that's being worked on as I type this...
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