Hagel Says Cuts to Pay and Benefits are Needed | Military.com

Posted by $ nickursis 10 years, 7 months ago to Government
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Having been there for 20 years, this guy is full of SH*$. They could manage the 2-3 billion dollar ships, the huge amounts they have wasted on their little multi billion dollar experiment called the Littoral Warfare ship, so they do what gov't does best: cut the few things they actually can identify: people. What an absolute moron. Next thing he will be doing is apologizing!
SOURCE URL: http://www.military.com/daily-news/2013/11/05/hagel-says-cuts-to-pay-and-benefits-are-needed.html

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  • Posted by $ johnrobert2 10 years, 7 months ago
    I do agree with one of the commenters to the article. The senior command corps is way overstaffed. Command structure should go back to the days when being a colonel or a general meant something, there were so few of them. The greater part of your officer corps was in the company grade levels and they stayed there a good while, many retiring at that level. In the enlisted ranks, there were few "tops" but many sergeants and fewer staff sergeants. Your line trooper was generally a well trained private or corporal. Granted the combat scenarios are much more complex than those years, the training and equipping of those soldiers should be the primary concern for the troops we do have. I think the greatest culprit are the aviation branches of any service which require a degree and officer's rank to fly aircraft. BS. Many non- degreed men and women have the requisite skills and knowledge to do the job and do not require officer's rank. It's time to start thinking outside the box when restructuring the military.

    As far as the situation anent the cesspool in Washington, I would sweep it all in to Chesapeake Bay but I would go to jail for polluting the ocean.
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