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    Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 8 months ago
    Isn't amazing that politicians think that the middle class is helped by giving politicians more money and power?

    Of course they think that the climate is helped by giving politicians more money and power?

    In fact their solution to anything is to give politicians more money and power.
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    Posted by SaltyDog 8 years, 8 months ago
    It would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

    The liberals spend their days talking about the greedy rich not paying their fair share. The truth is that if we were to take every cent from the top one percent of wealth in this country it wouldn't fund government spending for FOUR DAYS.

    I was at a Christmans party six or eight years ago where I met a chap who was retired from the UAW. Now some of it was the egg nog talking I'm sure, but he was ranting on about how great Nancy Pelosi was because she was going after those rich bastards who were making all that money on Wall Street. I was talking with the he guy for a little while, and it turns out that he had rolled over $700,000 out of his 401(k) into his IRA when he retired, and of course how smart he was and all. I asked him if he knew who Queen Nancy was going after with all her "get Wall Street" rhetoric. He paused and I said, "It's YOU, ya dope! Your 401(k) didn't get that big on bank CDs." He then informed me that it grew because of his mutual funds, not stocks and bonds. I realized suddenly that it was pearls before swine...he didn't get it, and what's more, he never will.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 8 years, 8 months ago
      Of course... if the "sheeple" ever woke up and saw the terrifically devious scam being pulled on them, they would revolt... which is why they have to resort to smoke and mirrors to sell their snake oil while telling them "we're on your side", and keep them blind to the truth so they keep buying it.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 8 months ago
      I was part of a group, more years ago than I can remember, of volunteers helping military and government civilians file taxes. All of the group I was dealing with one day were college-educated, and yet one person did demand why the government couldn't just use its own money instead of taking his. That was a sobering experience.
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 8 months ago
    all of the politicians are destroying the country and they are oblivious to that fact. I heard sander's say he will spend 10 trillion if elected mostly for socialized medicine, the man is a loony tune. yesterday i read that the government received over 2 trillion in tax revenue for the last quarter.if you believe that i'll sell you the brooklyn bridge, but IF that were the case why does 0 need more money. well let us say he needs it to take care of his muslim friends that he is bringing into the country. once here they will become bumps on a log with their hands out for ever. and he is getting away with it because the legislative branch of government is useless as the tits on a bull hog!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 8 months ago
      10 trillion? A trillion trillion? A ka-zillion trillion? What's the dif? Roll the presses! It's only printed money.
      To heck with Colonel Sanders anyway. Let's hear from The Man who studied for 8 whole years to be president under the (up until now) biggest spender of all time--
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      • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 8 months ago
        I just read in Brietbart that the usa is now taking in 280,276 muslims a year so if you still have a few bucks in your pocket put it in a can in the ground.
        If I was not seeing this in print and I guess on tv news I would think it was a bad joke but it is real and there is nothing that our sensible population is doing about it. They are just not going to their respective representatives and telling them enough is enough. The end result IS going to be that these muslims will not look for employment because they have been given "PERMANENT RESIDENCE" according to the article. The change the homeboy talked about IS going to take place over the next 50 years and unless there is some sort of uprising the country will no longer exist as we currently know it.
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        • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 8 months ago
          bush rubio and graham say we should admit even more only as rubio says we should screen them to make "sure" they are connected to any terrorist organisation. they are muslims this idiot just doesn't understand so they are automatically terrorists.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 8 months ago
    scoop water from the deep end and pour ... oh, say, about half ...
    into the shallow end, keeping about half for themselves .......
    this helps the depth of the pool increase. . sure! -- j
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  • Posted by RevJay4 8 years, 8 months ago
    The cartoon illustrates what so few people seem to understand, and I have been trying to spread the message for years. When business is taxed, over-regulated, etc. the person who pays for it all is the consumer in higher prices and less employment. I think that is an easy Econ101 lesson which anyone should be able to understand. Maybe not.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 8 months ago
    Taxation money comes primarily from the Middle Class. And it is used in order to help.....the Middle Class? However once a dollar is filtered through the government system, it comes out looking more like twenty-five cents after expenses. SO -- in order to help the Middle Class, politicians take money from the Middle Class and turn it into one quarter of the amount taxed. Very helpful...huh?
    "Boomalay boom on the big bass drum,
    Where is the money coming from?
    It's used in research, children dear,
    For ways to increase the tax next year."
    ---Ogden Nash
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  • Posted by ChestyPuller 8 years, 8 months ago
    I find it amazing liberals (socialists) can't see the 'Trickle-Down' affect of raising or lowering taxes or regulations. Are they really that stupid, or is it like Obama and ISIS; a shadow game to hide their true desires?
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 8 months ago
    It amazes me that liberals and progressives don't see this connection yet they themselves are the greedy...don't see them giving up profit, unearned income or stolen proceeds to pay 'Their' Fair Share!
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 8 months ago
    As good a description of socialist economics as I've ever seen. Just think what it would be like if he had been an Economis scholar
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  • Posted by Slytherin 8 years, 8 months ago
    This fact has never changed. The world is a zero sum game. Until we make replicators...
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    • 11
      Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 8 months ago
      Actually, the world is very definitely NOT a zero sum game. But the only way to get bigger numbers is by producers producing more, not by politicians moving money around -- that's less than a zero sum game.

      As Tolkien said in "Lord of the Rings" that when there were gatherers and shares there was more gathering than sharing.
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      • Posted by ycandrea 8 years, 8 months ago
        Right on William! I have always understood this fact, but it seems many do not. They think if they "have" something, then someone else "doesn't have" it. That there are only so many things to go around. That is so not true.
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      • Posted by Slytherin 8 years, 8 months ago
        Hmm. I had always viewed economies as a zero sum game. One resource moved from one to another. One a lose, one a gain. In this cartoon the loss is carried down the chain.

        Your rebuttal intrigues me though. I am checking my premises. Does it only stem from producers making more from what they are given or did you have other arguments to consider ?
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        • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 8 months ago
          I love William's explanation, Slytherin. . he might also have
          said that the increases in productivity which result from the
          complementary specialization he described make everyone
          richer -- William learns to do software better and the farmer learns
          to do cattle better, so that everyone can have more of each,
          with higher quality!!! . this means that William and the farmer
          both get richer, so that they can afford to sponsor others
          who are learning how to do houses or clothing or tools or
          cars or cruise ships better. . they can sponsor the poor
          through their chosen charities, or directly. . they can afford
          more, and others benefit from it. . capitalism is the way
          that humans make everyone richer simultaneously. -- john
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        • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 8 months ago
          In an optimal economy, everyone is a producer. They each have special talents that they bring to the economy. A tribe may have a natural hunter and a natural craftsman. The hunter can't really make things well and the craftsman is a poor hunter. But if the hunter gives some of his prey to the craftsman in exchange for well made spears, he becomes more productive and the spear maker can spend time getting better at making spears instead of scaring the prey as he tries to sneak up on them. Everyone eats better.

          A modern economy is much more sophisticated of course. I often marvel at the fact that as I spend my day sitting at a my computer writing software someone is raising a cow so that I can have a steak as a result. He's better at raising cows than I am and I'm better at software. We will probably never meet, of course, but our money will.
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          • Posted by Slytherin 8 years, 8 months ago
            Well said! Thank you for the explanations. The logic makes sense and refutes my previous statement.

            You mention an ideal world though. I think that a lot of governments right now and in the past have forced the issue, such as money redistribution policies against your will. This helped caused my misconception.

            I have been trying to figure out why that philosophy came out in my comment. I can only assume that it is both a remnant of what everyday society teaches and my own observations of our current government.

            It amazes me how hard it is to remove implicit cultural lessons.....
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