Hillary sez Everything In The Constutiton is Subject to Reasonable Regulation.. OK Let's see your proposed Amendment - In Writing/

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Amendment be Subject to ‘Reasonable Regulations’?

Posted at 10:42 pm on July 29, 2016 by Jenn Jacques


How much does Hillary Clinton hate our gun rights?

On June 5th, the Democratic nominee joined George Stephanopoulos on the ABC show Sunday Morning This Week to talk about Americans’ gun rights. In the interview, Mrs. Clinton could not even definitively say the Second Amendment was a Constitutional right, but that if it is, it’s subject to ‘reasonable regulation’.

(Where in the Constitution is that idea or position found?)

Stephanopoulos: “Do you believe that their conclusion that an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right?”

Clinton: “If it is a Constitutional right, then it, like every other Constitutional right, is subject to reasonable regulations.

(Same question)

And what people have done with that decision is to take it as far as they possibly can and reject what has been our history from the very beginning of the Republic, where some of the earliest laws that were passed were about firearms.

What decision is that? Reasonable Regulation Show Me?")

So I think it’s important to recognize that reasonable people can say, as I do, responsible gun owners have a right — I have no objection to that. But the rest of the American public has a right to require certain kinds of regularity, responsible actions to protect everyone else.”

(What does certain kinds of ... mean) Where does it say that? Where is that a right granted?)

Mrs. Clinton also claimed her ‘common sense gun safety measures’ are supported by the majority of Americans, including gun owners"
(Where does it say that Where did that informnatioin come from. Where is that in the Constitution)

Hillary is good at making stuff up. She istates something and then builds on it as if it's true but it isn't)

A decade or so ago counting all the State laws we had over ten thousand gun control regulations most of which were ignored. That number has certainly increased and all it's down is to incrfease gun sales.

Hillary has no constitutional cites nor authority, no proposed amendments, nothing but a lot of luke warm at best air head conjecture if this then that talk . She has no plans to seek legislation much less amend the Contitution. She will follow Daddy ObeyMe and rule as an autocracy

Hillary is a congenital liar

Basically when she speaks it's frijoles.

Breakig wind is the polite phrase or translation,.

Like any good left socialist fascist she starts off conciliatory even apologetically while she's polishing her jack boots.

Thee are two kinds of left wing extremists. International and National Socialists The first AKA Communist the second Nazi's. Your job is to decide which kind of Hillary you are voting against. and then go find a supporter of our Constitutional Republic.

Rule Number One and Rule Number Last. If it doesn't say so if it isn't specifically allowed it doesn't exist and requires a full Amendment.

So Hillary Where's Your Proposed Amendment? In writing?
SOURCE URL: http://bearingarms.com/jenn-j/2016/07/29/second-amendment-subject-reasonable-regulations/?newsletterad=

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  • Posted by freedomforall 7 years, 10 months ago
    Under the constitution, government is the servant and the people are the sovereigns and the master of government.
    Government has no power to adjust or to regulate the basics rights of the sovereign people. Those rights existed before the existence of the constitution and unless the sovereign people have given their consent government can't regulate any of those rights. The exception is when one sovereign imposes upon the rights of another sovereign. Then government may have the power to mediate the specific conflict between the sovereigns. The original powers of the government under the republican form are extremely limited. Hillary and all statists are wrong, and they know they are wrong.
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